Articles – Dr. Houle on the HRA

May I have your attention...PLEASE???
People want attention. They'll go to great ends to get it. But why? What is so compelling that most humans go desperately in search of it?
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So, what's really the problem?
My wife's friend, Megan,  recently shared a story about the first time she visited a Chinese restaurant many years ago.
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Three Very Good Reasons . . .   
. . . to look to a relationship as a source of personal, emotional and behavioral problems
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Alice’s Problem 
Alice is an avid golfer, who, in her eagerness to play the game, has persuaded her husband, Joey, to join her so they could play together.
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Status - The Hidden Risk
There's a hidden risk in every Intimate-Marital (I-M) relationship that can be the cause of many arguments between people in the relationship.
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“Tootsie-Rolling” Your Relationships
 Recently I met my friend, Jake, at the park. He had told me on the phone that he’d adopted a dog from the shelter some months ago, and now Blaze was lying quietly at his feet.
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Knowing The “Rules of the Road”
Any setting, place or environment where people are found qualifies as a relationship and all relationships have rules.
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Dr. Thomas A. Houle.
All rights reserved.