The Book

In Why We Behave The Way We Do: The Houle Relationship Approach, Dr. Houle examines the variety of people problems that operate in specific relationships and the demands these relationships impose on the people interacting within them.

The most common of our relationships are: Parent-Child, Extended Family, School-Student, Friends, Intimate-Marital, Work, Societal-Citizen, Self, Things and Casual Encounters.

And each one of us has certain rules we see as governing our specific relationships.

Social, emotional and/or behavioral problems occur when we believe someone in a relationship has violated one or more of the rules.

Using real-life examples, Dr. Houle shows how employing the principles of the Houle Relationship Approach (HRA) can develop corrections for these problems by addressing the specific rule(s) that someone has violated within the relationship.

©2023. Dr. Thomas A. Houle. All rights reserved.