You may be a person who has a general interest in the field of Mental Health. You may have a friend or relative who is experiencing mental, emotional, behavioral roblems (MEBP). You may be a student thinking about pursuing a career in the field of mental health. Whatever you interest the information on this page will help you pursue your interest.
The purpose here is to provide you sufficient information so that you can acquire a broad understanding of the principles and procedures of an alternative approach to Mental illness.
It would help if you were to read the HRA book
The first four articles deal with the source and the cause of most problematic behaviors. It may help if you read them in the sequence listed below.

May I have your attention...PLEASE???
People want attention. They'll go to great ends to get it. But why? What is so compelling that most humans go desperately in search of it?
[Read the Article]

Three Very Good Reasons . . .
. . . to look to a relationship as a source of personal, emotional and behavioral problems
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So, what's really the problem?
My wife's friend, Megan, recently shared a story about the first time she visited a Chinese restaurant many years ago.
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“Tootsie-Rolling” Your Relationships
Recently I met my friend, Jake, at the park. He had told me on the phone that he’d adopted a dog from the shelter some months ago, and now Blaze was lying quietly at his feet.
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Alice’s Problem
Alice is an avid golfer, who, in her eagerness to play the game, has persuaded her husband, Joey, to join her so they could play together.
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The following articles pertain to important aspects of a relationship that contribute to problematic behaviors.

Knowing The “Rules of the Road”
Any setting, place or environment where people are found qualifies as a relationship and all relationships have rules.
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Status - The Hidden Risk
There's a hidden risk in every Intimate-Marital (I-M) relationship that can be the cause of many arguments between people in the relationship.
[Read the article]
Popular Articles
So, What's Really The Problem?
Knowing The Rules Of The Road
Dr. Thomas A. Houle.
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